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Friday, April 9, 2010

開? 閉? Everything that opens and shuts

Another little rule of thumb to help those as scatterbrained with 漢字 (かんじ - kanji) as I am.

開ける (あける - akeru - open) and 閉める (しめる - shimeru - close) are easy enough to remember if you have the ひらがな (hiragana) clues, but a lot of the time they'll only be written as and . I often forget which is which, so I came up with a trick a while ago.

I reckon the bit in the middle of "" looks a bit like a capital A - A for "akeru". Remember this, and never accidentally slam an elevator door in someone's face again!

Have your own rules and rhymes for remembering things? Comment away - I'd love to hear them.

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